Time left to renew your trademark registration

Avoid losing your trademark rights by filing a renewal.

The USPTO requires you to renew your trademark every 10 years after registration. If no renewal is filed, your registration will be canceled.

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How it works

1. Complete our simple online questionnaire

2. We collect and prepare all the information necessary for trademark renewal

3. We electronically file your Section 8 Declaration/Section 9 Renewal together with the USPTO

Why it’s important

You have to renew your trademark every 10 years after registration in order to keep your trademark registration valid. If no renewal is filed, your registration will be canceled.

Filing a renewal of your trademark registration (also called a “Section 9” filing) is required by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for trademark owners to maintain their trademark rights.

Section 9 Renewal filing and ten-year Section 8 Declaration of Continued Use filing are filed are filed collectively as their filing time coincide.

Frequently asked questions

When do I need to renew my trademark registration?

A renewal for your trademark must be made between the 9th and 10th year after registration, followed by each successive 10-year period after that. If you exceed your renewal deadline by less than 6 months, you can still renew by paying an additional fee within the USPTO grace period. If you end up exceeding that grace period, your trademark registration would be canceled.

What are the requirements to file a Trademark Renewal?

You will need to provide:

  1. Your USPTO trademark registration number; and
  2. A recent specimen showing that you’re using your trademark to sell the goods and/or services listed on your registration. For goods/products, you can provide photos of the product, product packaging, product label, etc. where the mark can be seen prominently. For services, you may include brochures, advertisements or websites that prominently display your trademark associated with the services you’re selling.
How many times can I renew my registration?

The USPTO does not limit the number of times you can renew your registration provided that you’re still using the trademark in commerce in the right way.

What happens if I do not renew my trademark?

If you do not renew your trademark in the given time frame, you will end up losing the federal protection of your trademark. You will then have to go through the registration process all over again in order to protect your mark again or try to revive your previous registration.

Section 9 Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewals are due every 10 years after registration

View details

• Completion of both Section 8 Declaration/Section 9 Renewal

• Federal filing fee ($525 required)

• Filing of your documentation with the USPTO

• Delivery of your Statement of Use Extension Request form via email


+ federal filing fees

Section 9 Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewals are due every 10 years after registration

• Completion of both Section 8 Declaration/Section 9 Renewal

• Federal filing fee ($525 required)

• Filing of your documentation with the USPTO

• Delivery of your Statement of Use Extension Request form via email


+ federal filing fees

Additional Services

Each additional class (Federal filing fee included)

Amendment of address form

Filing within USPTO 6-month grace period



$199 per class

The process was easy from beginning to the end. Thanks, TrademarkUnion.

Anthony Reyes

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renewal now