About TrademarkUnion

Our goal is to provide end-to-end brand protection to individuals and businesses of all scale with our unique combination of legal innovation and technological expertise.

We're here to help your brand.

We believe that building a brand and making sure it stays protected is one of the most important yet complicated tasks many small businesses face today. So we’ll be with you every step of the way, helping you protect your business and celebrating with you when you accomplish every exciting milestone as you thrive.

How we began

TrademarkUnion began with an idea to bring intellectual property services to consumers who are not acquainted with the unvarying, time consuming and often times burdensome process of applying and registration. Knowing that it’s difficult for an average individual to afford a full-service intellectual property attorney, we have decided to facilitate them with these services at an affordable cost by leveraging legal knowledge and technology.

Over these past few years, we have streamlined the process and trained our customer care representatives to assist you at every step of the way. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice, but equip you with the power to help you obtain your own trademark, copyright and patent.